How to add a snake game to your contribution graph on Github

Erica Grundy
3 min readJul 24, 2021
Photo by Roman Synkevych on Unsplash

When I open somebody’s Github profile, the first thing I look for is the contribution graph. I know that the contribution graph is not informative at all, but I like to see the different patterns and images the colors form.

Creating any kind of image on a contribution graph is very challenging because it requires a daily commitment to the task. Look at the one below:

Mostly, the Bootcamp grads and aspiring developers will try to commit often to show off their effort and commitment. But most of the experienced developers will have private repositories. Too bad for us nerds!

Let me help you make your GitHub look beautiful so people like me can look at your profile and be impressed. I am going to show you how to add a snake game to your contribution graph.

Step 1

Create a repository with your username (the exact one you use). Github will tell you that the file created is special and that everything you add to it will appear in your profile. Make sure it’s public and initialize it with a README to get started.

Create a repository with your username

Step 2

Go to my README repository. You can find it here.

Step 3

Copy my SVG file and paste it into your own newly created README.

Change the file where it shows my username (eagrundy) and put yours instead. Also, substitute my contact information to yours in the Contact div. You can add or delete anything in the Skills div to show your own list of skills.

Don’t forget to change my username to yours where it says:

![Snake animation](substitute my username to yours in the link here)

Step 4

Open the file Create main.yml in my README repository and copy all the code you find inside it.

Step 5

Go you your tab Actions in your README repository and create a New Workflow. This will generate a new folder in your repository called .github/workflows and a new file inside of it called Create main.yml or main.yml.

Step 6

Delete everything inside the newly created file Create main.yml or main.yml , and paste the code you copied in Step 4 from my Create main.yml file.

Step 7

Substitute my username to yours in github_user_name: eagrundy .

Step 8

Now go to View runs an click on Run workflow . Your contribution graph will update every 12 hours. You can change it in the code in your .ymlfile.

And that is it!

Now show me your beautiful Github graphs, people!

